Sunday, January 27, 2013

New Years Revolutions

We are almost to the end of January 2013, and my resolution to be more actively blogging is about to be another repeat of last year. I titled this "Revolutions" because a friend of mine who is the editor of the Maadi Messenger wrote an article that described the year after year failure to keep resolutions, and in it she called those things we set as goals "Revolutions"...they come back year after year!  

Another reason I titled this as I did is because we are two days post-anniversary of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution. Demonstrations marked the anniversary in cities across the nation of Egypt. 

Disillusionment and frustration at a declining economy, unfulfilled promises and a government that is increasing in power has led to the feeling on the street that the Egyptian people are no better off under Morsi than they were under Mubarak. People are crying out for "Bread, Freedom and Social Justice" as they did two years ago. 

Two years post-revolution there are shortages of diesel to fuel trucks that transport the nation's produce from the farms to the cities. As we travel the highways it is not unusual to see trucks backed up for several kilometers waiting to get into gas stations. After waiting for hours, they arrive at empty pumps.   Food prices have risen accordingly. Some of those items  are no longer subsidized placing a hardship on families.

Business is more difficult to conduct as educated and experienced workers leave the country for higher wages.  Less experienced employees  are reticent to make decisions that might go wrong and place the blame for failure on them.  The government entities are extremely slow to provide necessary certificates and permissions necessary for business to proceed. Companies are not being paid on time, if at all.  Some foreign businesses have been cutting back their personnel. 

Fewer expats means less work available for the African refugee, Philippine, and Egyptian domestic labor forces that work in our homes and gardens and drive for us.  

I am sure there are many, many other changes I could write about, but these are the ones I see most often.

I am grateful  to be able to live and work and play in Egypt in spite of all the uncertainty we experience. Who doesn't experience uncertainty?    
 I am going to finish this blog with a photo I took last fall. One that I have saved especially for January. We went with some friends to one of our favorite places: Soma Bay. It is located on the Red Sea on the Egypt side, not the Sinai side. It is a resort made up of hotels, a golf course, and extremely awesome coral reefs for diving and snorkeling.  I wrote this on the sandy beach one morning when Sam and I were out walking. Unfortunately, my computer was in the Big A store being migrated to a new machine and I completely missed getting to put this up on my blog!  THAT was how I was going to start the New Year off right, keeping my "revolution" to be a better blogger! I figure it is better to be late than never! Enjoy!

Happy New Year!