Saturday, February 19, 2011

Phase Three: Reside and Rest (in the Lord)

Tuesday, February 8

There are a lot of phases to this evacuation from Egypt. Phase One was getting out. Phase Two has been the time in Houston.  For me, Phase Three is about to begin. I have been planning to go to Phoenix for a few days to see Megan and Eric, and then on to California to see Sheyenne and Sean and especially to help them pack their belongings into storage until they are ready to set up housekeeping again in the midwest. I had planned to be gone roughly 10 days and then be back here in Houston when the reevaluation of our situation was going to be updated. Well, today, it was up dated earlier than expected. Sam is going to be going back to Cairo on Friday. The day I was planning to come back to Houston. Now there is no need for me to return to Houston...I just need to figure out what to do next!   I feel rootless, homeless, and very isolated though this situation is not unique to me.  So, if Phase One is the Revolution & Rescue, and Phase Two is Rendezvous Houston,  Phase Three will be Reside & Rest (in the Lord)!

I will be residing with family and friends until we know what is next for Sam and me. I will rest in the Lord, knowing he sees the big picture and I only see a part of it. After all , it was the Lord who brought me to California last year so I could be with Sheyenne and Sean when Whitney was born, and it is the Lord who has allowed me to be able to help them with their move (though there could have been an easier way than hosting a revolution in order to get me there!) 

I am uneasy about Sam being back so soon in Cairo. There are many unknowns politically and socially there. I would like to be going back with him. I have heard from those who are still there that Maadi is quiet during the day and there are curfews at night. I am glad he will get to check on our home and the friends we left behind!

I have heard that the Maadi Community Church is doing well! They have combined the Africa Live service with the English services into one service. They have had over 100 people in services and about 16 ladies in the Bible study Amy leads. They are meeting everyday at noon for prayer and are distributing food to those who are displaced from their work during this upheaval. The church is going strong, to the glory of God!

Wednesday, February 9

Today is my daddy’s birthday. I boarded the plane shortly after 9am headed for Phoenix, AZ.  I left Houston in a cold, drizzly rain in a taxi that had me wondering if we were really going to the airport.  My driver was pretty tired, and having used his tank of gas outside the hotel all night, we had to make a stop off the highway at the  first exit we came to.  The stop was on the up and up and I made it to the airport, checked my bags at the curb and then flew into Phoenix on time! The girls were waiting for me. I heard Megan say, “ I get first hugs”. Emmalia hung back a little and then once her momma had her hug, she grabbed me and hugged me. Even Kaira let me hug her!  Eric was working late as it is Wednesday night and he has youth group at the church (he’s a pastor). Megan and Emmalia and Kaira and I hung out at the house for awhile. After naps we went to the nearby park and played in the sand with sand buckets and shovels.  I tried to take photos but the girls were too busy for such nonsense as that! 



Megan had my room all ready with extra blankets and a trio of beautiful, open red roses. It feels so good to be here. I have been waiting for the chance to see these darling granddaughters again! Kaira is growing up so fast. She reminds me of Megan at this age. She has a cute ‘snuffly’ smile and she has a playful personality.  Kaira knows a lot of sign language. It was fun at dinner to watch her communicate banana, more and milk!
Emmalia is quite the lady. She loves to wear dresses. She loves pink and to her knowledge and those around her-she is a princess!  She loves to twirl. She chooses her clothes according to twirl-ability!  At Emmalia’s age, Megan’s clothes  had to be purple, and whatever she wore had to have pockets!

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